TAGGED UNDER: Philanthropy & Ethics

"Is it wrong to spy?" asks ethics speaker Professor AC Grayling

Raleigh Addington
Raleigh Addington
administrator at Chartwell Speakers

AC Grayling speakerProfessor AC Grayling, a leading ethics speaker and Master of the New College of the Humanities, discusses whether it is wrong to spy in his latest piece for Prospect Magazine.

In the knowledge the spying is common place, as “allies spy on allies, commercial groups spy on rivals, [and] governments sponsor spying on various sectors of other countries’ economies to gain an advantage for their own,” Professor Grayling argues that “pragmatism can sometimes override ethics.”

As an example he cites the famous spy and double agent Kim Philby, who continues to fascinate the popular imagination because of such moral complexities. Click here to read on (paywall).

To find out more about AC Grayling, or to book him as a speaker, please contact Leo von Bülow-Quirk on 0044 (0) 20 7792 8000 or at [email protected].


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AC Grayling Speaker
AC Grayling
Philosopher, Educationalist & Ethicist