Vivek Wadhwa on the promising future of medicine
In his latest Washington Post column, Vivek Wadhwa, Vice President of Innovation and Research at Singularity University, focuses on the future of medicine, and predicts that an era of data-driven, crowdsourced, participatory, genomics-based medicine awaits us.
Vivek asserts that disruptive technologies are well on their way to prevent illness and disease, which will “turn the entire medical system on its head and increase the quality of our lives.”
The advances in smart phone and wearable technology in particular are cause for such excitement. We are now able to measure almost every aspect of our day to day life and manage our health accordingly using apps, sensors and the Internet, which enables the expansion of the already fast-growing field of Telemedicine and mHealth [for an example, check out Suneel Gupta and his work at Rise Labs].
Consequently, Vivek believes that “our doctors—or their artificial intelligence replacements—will prescribe medicines or lifestyle changes based on our full medical history, holistic self, and genetic composition.”
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