Kimmo Soramäki Keynote Speaker
- Founder and CEO of Financial Network Analytics (FNA)
- Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Network Theory in Finance
- Developed the first simulation model for interbank payment systems (1997)
Kimmo Soramäki's Biography
Kimmo Soramäki is the Founder and CEO of Financial Network Analytics (FNA) and the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Network Theory in Finance. Kimmo Soramäki started his career as an economist at the Bank of Finland where in 1997, he developed the first simulation model for interbank payment systems. In 2004, while at the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, he was among the first to apply methods from network theory to improve our understanding of financial systems. During the financial crisis of 2007-2008, Kimmo advised several central banks, including the Bank of England and European Central Bank, in modeling interconnections and systemic risk. This work led him to found FNA in 2013 to solve important issues around financial risk and for exploring the complex financial networks that play a continually larger role in the world around us. Kimmo holds a Doctor of Science in Operations Research and a Master of Science in Economics (Finance), both from Aalto University in Helsinki.
Kimmo Soramäki’s research has focused on modeling interconnections and interdependencies in the financial system, often through modeling or analyzing data available from financial infrastructures. He has published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals in statistical mechanics and economics, and in the working paper series of central banks. These articles have been cited in 1000+ academic publications. A full record of his research is available at Google Scholar.
Kimmo Soramäki is a frequent keynote and plenary speaker and during the last 3 years, has spoken at over 30 industry and academic conferences including Sibos, Risk Europe and the Enterprise Risk Management Symposium.