Speaker Spotlight: Dr. Dmytro Kuleba - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine (2020-2024)
We are proud to advise we now represent Dr. Dmytro Kuleba, distinguished diplomat and statesman.
Dr. Kuleba served as Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2020 to September 2024. He was one of the most visible and internationally recognised members of President Zelensky’s inner cabinet. Before and during the war, he travelled tirelessly to build alliances, to secure support and to further Ukraine’s EU and NATO bids. He also deepened ties with Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Having a respected Foreign Minister in peace time is vital for any nation. Being a Foreign Minister in war-time takes on a whole new set of skills and the complexity levels escalate. Dr. Kuleba had an instrumental impact on how Ukraine secured support from abroad through his ability to engage at the highest levels and to forge collaborations with world leaders and international organisations.
Looking forward, he will continue to advocate for Ukraine as a private individual but is now being invited to speak with business leaders, industry associations and universities about geopolitics, the rise of disinformation and how to combat it – he also talks about the nature of power in society today. He is the author of ‘The War for Reality, how to win the World of Fakes, Truths and Communities’.
Dr. Kuleba is an articulate and persuasive communicator and he can now share his insights and experiences with your audiences.