Jonathan Berman on the corporate struggle for Africa

Raleigh Addington
Raleigh Addington
administrator at Chartwell Speakers

Featuring in an article for Forbes magazine, Jonathan Berman, author of ‘Success in Africa: CEO Insights from a Continent on the Rise’ (2013), shares his insight on the issues facing Western companies and their CEOs as big businesses compete for the “corporate struggle for Africa.”

Jonathan argues that whilst optimists predict an African century ahead, with potentially enormous opportunities, dangers are still abound and risks need to be managed. By interviewing top western leaders with experience in Africa, Jonathan came up with these key rules when tackling such issues: “embrace uncertainty, get your hands dirty, build what you need and develop resilience.”

Jonathan also urges CEOs to tailor what they do in Africa to local economies and engage with the culture. Click here to read on.


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