Two cappuccinos in the life of the Chartwell research team
It was a busy day for the Chartwell research team yesterday – met for coffee with a couple of fascinating speakers:
Greg Pytel, expert risk analyst specialising in European oil and gas, was telling me of the opportunities surrounding shale gas exploration in Poland. While there has been a huge amount of buzz around investment potential in actual exloration, not enough attention is being paid to the potential for investment in the service indsutries that will doubtless accompany the mushrooming of the shale gas sector. This could include everything from menial logistical services and toilet provision to more specialised technical infrastructure. Nice tip…
A couple of hours later, Sir Roderic Lyne, former UK Ambassador to Russia (2000-2004) and member of the Chilcot Inquiry, provided a fascinating analysis of what was going on behind-the-scenes in Russian political circles after the recent resignation of the Finance Minister, Alexei Kudrin. He also gave a tour de force evaluation of Putin’s record in Russian politics, covering over 20 years over a single latte. Impressive stuff.